Friendship as Solidarity Sep20


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Friendship as Solidarity

I love television commercials.

Actually, that’s not really accurate. Most often, I hate television commercials because I experience them as interruptions of whatever I’m watching, as all-too-often inane sale pitches, and sometimes as downright insulting with regard to the various stereotypes they perpetuate.

At the same time, though, from time to time I am surprised, delighted, even inspired by commercials, and that’s when I love them. Sometimes it’s simply that they make me chuckle, as with the VW ad about the little boy playing Darth Vadar. Other times, I’m actually captivated and given insight not only into our popular culture but also into what it means to be human. So this year, when I come across these commercials, I thought I’d share them and why they impacted me.

The first one I want to share comes from Guinness; you know, the Irish brewer. Like a lot of ads today, it has pretty much nothing to do with the product. Instead, it invites you to imagine life being a certain way and then associate that way of life with its product. In this case, Guinness wants us to image, or maybe re-imagine, friendship. Not as just hanging out with each other; not simply as having a good time; not even as drinking beer together. Rather, Guinness invites us to think about friendship as standing with one another, as identifying with each other, as walking along side each other in true solidarity.

I won’t say more about the commercial for fear of spoiling it. But I will say that on watching it I was reminded of Jesus’ description of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John, where Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as the “paraclete,” which can be translated as the “helper,” “comforter,” or “advocate.” Most literally, it means “the one who comes along side.” Jesus’ promise is that the Holy Spirit comes along side of us, supporting us and advocating for us in and through life’s challenges.

I’m used to think of the Holy Spirit this way, but – with the help of Guinness – I’m also now thinking about friendship this way as well, wondering how I might come along side friends, family members, and colleagues to identify and stand with them.

Enjoy the commercial, and if you have some favorites of your own that created a similar “wow” experience, please let me know.

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