Matthew 4:1

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.

Okay, so I was all ready to write about how Jesus is led into the wilderness for temptation only after his baptism. And that matters. And I was prepared to describe the character of the devil’s temptation. And that’s interesting. And I was planning to note how Jesus responded in faith and trust. And that’s important, too. But before I could do any of that, I read this opening verse: “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.”

Except it wasn’t just the whole verse, it was more like the first half: “Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit….” Except it wasn’t even that; it was more like the last three words of the first half of the first verse: “…by the Spirit….”

The Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness.

This isn’t what I expected. And it’s not what I want. I’ve read this verse a hundred times…and I’m pretty sure I’ve even noticed this element of the passage before…and yet I somehow always forget, or maybe block it out.

I don’t want my wilderness experiences to have anything to do with the Spirit. I want the Spirit to comfort and help and rescue and save and guide and all the other good things I’ve counted on the Spirit to do.

And so the Spirit does.

But sometimes the Spirit also leads us into the wilderness. Even if the Spirit knows that in the wilderness we will be tried and stretched and tempted. The Spirit doesn’t tempt, notice; that remains the work of the devil. But the Spirit does lead us to the wilderness, even if that means we will be subject to temptation, trial, and struggle.


Because, I suppose, there are times when that is exactly where we need to be. In the wilderness. Maybe it’s for our sake. Maybe it’s for someone else’s. Who knows. I do know, however, that while the wilderness can be challenging, it can also be renewing. It tries us, but may also strengthens us; it is dangerous, but also provides the opportunity for growth.

So here’s the thing: sometimes our life of faith doesn’t lead to the mountain, but rather to the valley, and even into the wilderness, even if that means we will be tried and tempted.

I don’t like particularly that. I don’t particularly want that. But if the Spirit leads in, then the Spirit can lead out again. And if it happened to Jesus, then I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised if it happens to those who follow him.

Lord have mercy. Spirit have mercy…and if you are going to lead us into the wilderness, dear Spirit, then also stay with us there, give us strength and courage, and lead us forth renewed in faith, hope, and love.

Prayer: Dear God, lead on. Lead us on to your promised land, even though the road at times may be rough and lead through wilderness and valley, lead on. And give us the strength to follow. In Jesus’ name, Amen.