Chuck Knows Ash Wednesday
“Chuck Knows Church” is a fun set of videos produced by the Methodist Church’s General Board of Discipleship. Each one presents Chuck – he’s actually an actor by the name of Josh (don’t ask me why they didn’t just find a real person to talk about the church) – talking about one element or another of Christian faith and worship. Baptism, Parables, Potlucks 🙂 – Chuck takes up all these and more. In this episode, Chuck talks about Ash Wednesday, teaching or reminding us of a few of the essentials about Ash Wednesday. It runs just over two minutes, and so it may be a nice way to prepare for the beginning of Lent.
Speaking of two minutes, Busted Halo‘s video (that I featured last year) on “Ash Wednesday & Lent in 2 Minutes” also provides a great introduction to the day and season. However you decide to prepare, a wish you a blessed Lenten season of contemplation and reflection.
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