Hyper-realistic Art
It’s Friday. That’s probably about all I need to say about the following post.
Okay, maybe just a little more. I was seriously taken by these pictures by Eloy Morales. And I think you will be, too. Look carefully – what do you see?
Odd, unusual perhaps, but look a little closer.
Do you see it yet? Try again.
That’s right. These aren’t pictures at all. They’re paintings!
They are the work of Eloy Morales, in a style called hyper-realistic painting.
Yeah, I thought it was amazing, too. I’m tempted to wax poetic about impressions and perspectives and all the rest, but…it’s Friday. 🙂 So just enjoy being amazed as I was.
If you want to learn more about how he does what he does, you can check out the video below. Otherwise, enjoy Friday and have a great weekend!
Eloy Morales from Didi Menendez on Vimeo.
Notes: 1) If you are receiving this post by email, you may need to click the title at the top of the post to watch the video.
2) Thanks to Worthy-to-Share where I stumbled on these pictures.
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