Matthew 28:1
After the Sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb.
Dawn, on the first day of the week. This is when Matthew’s account of the resurrection starts. Dawn, when the sun is just cresting the horizon after a long night, spreading light across the face of a dark world. And Sunday, the day after Sabbath rest, the first day of the week. In the Genesis account of creation, the first day is when the Lord created light and separated day from night. It was the beginning of something new. And here, as dawn spreads across the first day of the week, there is a new creation, the beginning of a new era of possibly, life, love, and redemption.
So this is when Matthew’s account of the resurrection begins: at dawn on the first day of the week. And this is who Matthew describes coming to the tomb: Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. That’s significant as well. For these are two of the women who had been touched by Jesus, followed him, served him, and stayed with him to the end. These were two of the women who did not desert him, even at the darkest and most threatening of times. And now they are here, at the break of dawn, coming to pay last respects to Jesus.
Matthew doesn’t mention that they brought oils with which to anoint Jesus’ body. After all, in Matthew’s account the tomb has been sealed shut at the request of the Pharisee’s and the order of Pilate. And so they come only to see the tomb, perhaps looking for a final confirmation that all that they witnessed – but couldn’t believe they’d witnessed – had actually happened. Friday was a day of tragedy, as they endured a Passover darker than they could have ever imagined. Saturday was the Sabbath, a day of rest, but not a respite from their grief. Now, on Sunday, they come to confirm their worst fears, see the place where Jesus had been laid, and bid their Lord goodbye.
What they will encounter, of course, will change their lives – and all of human history – forever. But for now, let us recognize that the story begins here – at the dawn of new day, week, and era – and with these two faithful women – the first witnesses of the resurrection who foreshadow all the women and men who will be called to proclaim the good news ever since.
Prayer: Dear God, we give thanks for the two Marys that come to the sealed tomb on Sunday and for the new beginning you created for them…and for us…on that morning. In Jesus’ name, Amen.