My New Saying
I’ve been following the news a bit about Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who has been jailed for contempt of court for not filing marriage licenses for same-gendered couples wishing to marry. Actually, it’s not that I’ve been following it but really can’t avoid it. I have no particular comment on all this, except to say that it got me thinking. Not about Kim Davis, but about the number of heterosexual folks I know who are now in “non-traditional” relationships.
Several older friends who have been widowed and found companionship with someone in similar circumstances. They describe their relationship as “keeping each other company.” It looks a lot like marriage but they haven’t done that for a variety of reasons, sometimes out of a sense of respect for a deceased spouse, or because they are having difficulty entertaining the idea of getting married again, or for concern about tax implications.
A couple I know and respect who have not married but refer to each other as “life partners,” living in separate homes but raising wonderful adopted children together.
A couple or two who have been engaged a long, long time but not married because of distance or jobs or other reasons.
Yesterday one of my kids inquired about one of these folks, asking if they would ever get married or be engaged forever. I said I didn’t know and that there were a lot of factors involved. “I guess life’s just complicated,” he said in response, to which I replied spontaneously, “and so maybe we should handle it with compassion.”
And there it is, my new saying: “Life’s complicated: handle with compassion.”
Amen and amen!
Thank you, David! I like that! Your message got me thinking about our own family. Our younger son is divorced and is now living with a wonderful young woman whom we love dearly! I do try not to bug them about ‘when are you getting married?’ Our son was married for over 20 years, but it was not a healthy relationship. His wife was addicted to prescription pain meds, among other things. Anyway, things are much better for him now. He has a 20 year old daughter, who is working full time and lives with them. I plan on using your new saying, ‘Life is complicated, handle with compassion.’ Thank you!
My wife’s favourite saying is “Contaminate the world with compassion!” Written on a chalkboard in our kitchen to remind us.
Like your “new saying.”
“Life is complicated, handle with compassion” reminds me of the song “Handle with Care” by the Traveling Wilburys. Either way … compassion is what we all need.