Trinity B: The Patron Saint of Curious Christians
Dear Partner in Preaching,
I find it slightly ironic that this Sunday focuses on, in my humble opinion :), one the worst possible theme for a sermon – the Trinity – and yet features some of the more interesting stories from the New Testament. As for the theme, Trinity Sunday is the only Sunday oriented to church doctrine, and I’ve always found the prospect of offering a sermon on the Trinity not just daunting but downright dicey. Which surprises me a bit, because I’m a huge proponent of using our sermons to teach our folks about our shared faith. But the Trinity? Goodness, who really understands it? And how does a sermon on the character of God as three in one and one in three edify, let alone justify, anyone? And yet on this Sunday we also get the story of the Great Commission and Great Promise (“I will be with you always”) in Year A, Jesus’ fantastic promise that there are some things his disciples can’t hear yet so the Spirit will guide them/us into all truth in time in Year C, and the story of Jesus and Nicodemus in our current Year B.
Now, I realize these are chosen because embedded in each is at least a passing reference to Jesus, God the Father, and the Spirit, but even the paucity of passages across the Scriptures that name all three members of the Trinity should maybe tell us something. So I will, in this week’s passage, focus less – actually, not at all! – on teasing out theological implications regarding the Trinity and instead look at the story itself. And, in particular, one particular element of the story.
In addition to containing the world’s most famous Bible verse (not to mention the following verse which, again in my humble opinion, is just as important!), the story of Nicodemus offers a picture of a man who is curious about Jesus, who maybe even wants to believe, but struggles. At least, he struggles once he actually gets to talk with Jesus. Notice that he comes with a clear affirmation of Jesus’ connection to God. In response, Jesus immediately jumps to a huge assertion about being born again/anew/from above. And that’s when Nicodemus curiosity turns to struggle. This is a fairly common technique in John, as the confusion or misunderstanding of Jesus’ dialogue partner gives Jesus a chance to elaborate. Hence, after Nicodemus’ initial confusion stemming from taking Jesus’ words literally, the only other thing Nicodemus says is, “how can this be?” Which gives Jesus a good excuse to talk some more.
All well and good. And certainly there’s lots of good material for a sermon in what comes, whether that’s on the nature of being born anew or in exploring the implications of vs. 16 and, as I mentioned earlier, vs. 17, which reveal the character of a God who comes only to redeem and save the world out of love. And God’s intent to save the world (kosmos) is all the more powerful when you realize that “world” across John’s Gospel denotes an entity that is at complete enmity with God. Yes, God loves this God-hating world enough to send God’s only Son. Again, that’ll preach!
But what strikes me this week is that Nicodemus is one of the few side characters – that is, not one of the disciples – that appears at several points in John’s Gospel. Here, in his main appearance. Again near the end of chapter 7, when Nicodemus, if not exactly standing up for Jesus let alone proclaiming his faith in him, nevertheless reminds his colleagues that, according to the law, they should not judge Jesus before giving him a trial. And for offering that reminder he is rebuked (7:45-52). Then he makes a third appearance, this time after Jesus’ crucifixion, when Nicodemus accompanies Joseph of Arimathea to collect, anoint, and bury the body of Jesus, the one just executed by the Romans (19:38-42). Again, perhaps not quite the same as standing up in the assembly and declaring his faith, yet nevertheless another significant step forward, as by his actions Nicodemus declares this allegiance to one who had just been executed for a capitol offense.
And that’s what I think makes Nicodemus such an interesting character. He is the only side character, as far as I can tell, who shows up at multiple points in John’s Gospel and grows in his faith. At first he brings questions and is confused. He later invites others to slow in their judgment. He finally risks publically honoring the one just executed. Faith, at least in Nicodemus’ case, takes time. Indeed, his journey with Jesus continues across most of the Gospel of John and, we might assume, beyond.
And that might be good for our people to hear this week. For some, perhaps coming to faith was easy and fast and strong and they’ve rarely doubted. And all we can do is give thanks for that experience. But for others – maybe most others – faith comes more in fits and starts, two steps forward and another back. Or perhaps at times things seems clear and at others just plain confusing. Or maybe faith feels a lot more like an endless series of questions rather than easy and forthright affirmations. For those like that – and I count myself among that tribe – hearing Nicodemus’ story once again might be particularly meaningful.
I’ve read somewhere – I can’t remember where – that Nicodemus is the patron saint of curiosity. I love that. I think I’d also claim him as the patron saint of all those of us with an uneasy or restless faith. Those who aren’t satisfied with easy answers, those who keep questioning, those who want to believe and also understand, but at least to believe even when we don’t understand!
Even more though, I think this story says a lot not simply about Nicodemus about also about God. God is patient. God doesn’t give up. If God keeps working in and on and through Nicodemus across three years and sixteen chapters in John’s Gospel, God will keep working in and on and through us. No matter how long it takes. And if there’s a tie to Trinity Sunday, maybe that’s it – we don’t have to understand the Trinity (and, honestly, I have a hard time trusting those who say they do!) to be part of the church created, redeemed, and sustained by the Triune God.
Well, Dear Partner, that’s what I’ve got for now. That faith doesn’t always come easy, that that’s okay, and that God won’t give up on us. Oh… and also my thanks to be surrounded by a company of preachers and seekers who share this word of God’s love for the world, for Jesus’ intent to save not to condemn, and for the Spirit indefatigable commitment to keeping us in the faith! Thanks for sharing that good news, and blessings on your proclamation.
Yours in Christ,
Post Image: Study for Christ and Nicodemus on a Rooftop, Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937), ca. 1898-1899.
Thank you for this commentary for one of the most difficult Sundays with regard to writing a sermon!
Thank you, David. As always you at least spark thoughts and more often provide deep insight! We are kicking off a commitment to small group ministry on June 1 and I am using this opportunity to talk about the Trinity as a model (maybe the original?) small group!! haha!
Thank you so much for your insight. I looked at the text from a completely different perspective and the sermon literally fell out onto my laptop! It inspires me so my prayer is it will inspire my people.
Thank you so much. I’ve always felt the Trinity was like a mother’s love. You don’t have to understand it to feel it and trust it. Not my Sunday but now almost wish it was! Thanks again.