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A lot of life that is about waiting. Waiting until you’re old enough to drive, or go off to college, or marry the love of your life, or…. You get the picture. The life of faith is something like that, too. Theologians are fond of saying we live in the “in-between” time of Christ’s first coming and Christ’s return. Much, we pray, will be made right when Christ comes again. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have anything to do “in the meantime.” Whatever end awaits us, in the meantime we can care for those around us, have courage, share hope, love those around us, strive for what is best, and a whole host of other things.

But that can be hard. As W.H. Auden once wrote, the time being can be “the hardest time of all.” So I wanted to create a place where we can encourage each other in faith and life…in the meantime.