Mark 1:1-8 Dear Partner in Preaching, I don’t know if it’s COVID-fatigue or something else, but I seem to have even less patience with the RCL-assigned readings for Advent than usual. A week of eschatological warning, two weeks of the adult John the Baptist, and then – finally on week four! – a reading that actually pertains to the Christmas story. I know, I know, week 1 is intended both to anticipate Jesus’ second Advent at the end of time as well as accent Advent’s theme of watchful anticipation and preparation and weeks 2 & 3 to emphasize the Gospels own casting of John as the Elijah-figure prophesized to come ahead...
Easter B: Only the Beginning
Dear Partner in Preaching, I’ll be completely honest and just admit that I totally sympathize with the monks. The monks, that is, who just couldn’t believe that Mark really ended at verse 16:8a in such an awkward, unsatisfying, and distressingly incomplete way. Here’s what we know about this ending: Although there are numerous later manuscripts of Mark’s Gospel that have alternative and longer endings, all the earliest manuscripts end right here. Which means that this is most likely where Mark wanted his story to end, with a final sentence that is grammatically awkward, ending rather abruptly and with a preposition – an unusual...