10 Things Churches Can Learn from the Apple Store

What  follows below is a post from Guy Kawasaki who was for many years a “chief evangelist” for all things Apple and who continues to write about excellence in design, marketing, innovation, and retail. In this piece he summarizes some key insights from a book about the phenomenal retail success of the Apple store. As I was reading Guy’s post, I couldn’t help but think about how many of these same insights might apply to the ways we think about church. So I’ll place the whole of the original post below so that you can read Guy’s insights. But I’ll also comment (in italic) after each section, offering  a...

Pregnant Church?

There are lots of reports of the mainline church’s decline in recent decades. And there are actually new reports, about the decline of evangelical and conservative churches as well. But while the facts and figures may be grim, Presbyterian minister (PCUSA) and writer MaryAnn McKibben Dana...


Adam Walker Cleveland writes a thoughtful blog about theology, ministry, and technology called “Pomomusings.” Recently he’s been collecting the essays of folks from a variety of corners of what’s sometimes called “the Emergent Church” to answer two questions: 1: What is one belief,...


What do you think of when you hear the word “church”? Episcopal priest John Mark Wiggers, of the East Tennessee Diocese, engages folks on the streets of his town to play a little word association: “When I say church, you say…?” Well, what do you say? Watch Father...

Behind the Post: Beyond the God-Box Mar06

Behind the Post: Bey...

Each week I write a column, actually more of a letter, to preachers. It’s usually on the Gospel reading appointed for the coming Sunday and often offers not just some perspective on the reading but a suggestion or two for how to involve the congregation more directly in the sermon. I won’t...