Luke 24:36b-48
Dear Partner in Preaching,
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to post. A combination of my own work as a pastor and preacher at Mount Olivet, trying to navigate re-opening as conditions improve (and then worsen again), and the fact that we have opted for a more narrative approach to the lectionary have all conspired against posting as regularly as I would like. I am hoping to resume this discipline and dialogue with you but will make no promises. For today, a few thoughts on Luke’s continuing story of Jesus post-resurrection appearances.
The plural is key, as it is “appearances.” Luke offers by...
Easter 3 B: A Flesh and Bone Resurrection
Easter 3 B: Resurrection Doubts
Dear Partner in Preaching, Here’s my brief take this vignette from Luke’s larger narrative about the resurrection appearances of Jesus: if you don’t have serious doubts about the Easter story, you’re not paying attention. Seriously. I mean, just read the story. Actually, all of the stories. For while the four gospels have many interesting variations in their account of Jesus’ resurrection, they are absolutely consistent on one thing: no one believes the good news of Jesus’ resurrection when they first hear it. No one. And that includes Jesus’ own disciples, the ones who were closest to him and spent the most time with him. In...