Dear Partner in Preaching, Serious question: Did Jefferson miss the boat? Thomas Jefferson, that is. And I should admit right up front that I am a huge Jefferson fan. But as much as I like the poetic cadence of the Declaration of Independence’s inalienable rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” I’ve always wondered if Jefferson unintentionally set us on the wrong direction from the start. (And – just to be clear – this isn’t the usual Christian comparison between happiness and joy, with the inevitable triumph of lasting joy over fleeting happiness. Maybe there’s something to that comparison, but I think...
You Can Do This Yourself
posted by DJL
“You can do this yourself.” These were the five words I most disliked hearing from my parents. Oh, I know, you can probably think of five worse words to hear. But these words meant that something I had asked them to do for me got turned around into something I had to do for myself. And that, obviously, wasn’t what I wanted. If I had wanted to do it myself, I wouldn’t have asked them to do it in the first place! Like calling a coach to ask why I wasn’t playing as much as I thought I should be. Or settling an argument with a sibling. Or asking someone for a job. The very point of my asking is that these were things that...
5 Steps to Happiness
posted by DJL
From time to time, filmmaker Anton Hecht sends me one of his short films with the request to share it with you. I’m always glad to do so, as he is reliably creative and produces superb and quite enjoyable films. This one – Happiness is a Harmonica – is part of a wellness initiative of a community inviting people to take five steps toward greater health, wellness, and happiness. I’m still not totally sure how playing the harmonica contributes :), although I think that the various people and folks playing it – actually, learning to play it – are engaged in one or more of the various steps. And all of them...
Happiness: Goal or By-Product?
posted by DJL
Just a quick thought for the day. Or really a question: Do you think happiness is a worthy goal? Or is it rather a by-product of other things? Ever since Thomas Jefferson, at least, we have been taught to think happiness is something we should pursue. But, I wonder, what is happiness, exactly? When do we know we’ve found it? How do we go about it? Noting that we are notoriously bad at predicting what will make us happy, it occurs to me that perhaps that’s because happiness isn’t, finally, something you can pursue and catch and possess. Rather, perhaps happiness is the by-product of worthy activities. Perhaps happiness is...
Gift-Giving Wisdom from Kid President
posted by DJL
Ever wonder what to get that special someone for Christmas? Especially when that special someone doesn’t particularly need anything? In that case, let Kid President help you out. I’m a huge fan of Kid President and have been enchanted with the story of his struggles, perseverance, and spirit. Today, given that we’re just a little more than 10 days from Christmas, I thought I’d offer you his words of wisdom on giving things that really matter – hugs, love, time, the chance to do something awesome, and the opportunity to make the world a better place. It’s this last one that Kid President gives most of his time to, inviting you to...