Everyday Leadership, Everyday Miracles Feb19

Everyday Leadership, Everyday Miracles

Over the last two days, I’ve written posts about leadership and change – in particular, about transformative change and the kind of leadership necessary to engage in the disruption that is part and parcel of transformation. I think all of this is true and important and valuable and that this kind of leadership is, frankly, quite rare. But I also think there’s a danger in focusing on the rare leader who can inspire transformative change. Or, indeed, focusing on any element of leadership that seems rare and unique. Because the thing is, each of us is called to lead every day. More than that, each of us can and does lead already,...

First Followers

As long as we’re talking about leaders – with reference to Benjamin Zander’s stunning TEDTalk – let’s not forget followers. Zander didn’t; that’s why he clapped for the people listening to him play. Nor does Mark – as in the Evangelist Mark...

Music, Passion, and Leadership

There are so many things I love about this TEDTalk by Benjamin Zander that it’s hard to list them all. He’s incredibly passionate, and funny, and warm, and engaging. That will be obvious within about two minutes. He’s talking about music – and he does that very effectively – but he’s also talking about so much more. If I were to boil it down, I think he’s talking about what it means to be a leader and, perhaps most expansively, about what it means to be human. There’s a ton here. It’s another video I often use in class and have seen numerous times and still learn something new each time. But since I can’t cover...