Disruptive Wonder an...

Kelli Anderson is a remarkable young designer who has a lot to teach parents, pastors, professors, politicians, corporate or class presidents and just about anyone else in a leadership position who is willing to listen, learn and take some risks. The video below is of her presentation at a...

When Do We Stop?

I strongly encourage you to follow this link to a video posted by the Rev. LeeAnne Watkins, Rector of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in St. Paul, MN. I found it honest, poignant, painful, and in its own way beautiful because of the courage it took to share. Thank you, LeeAnne. It’s 6...

What Are You Countin...

Recently I was at a pastor’s conference that fell shortly after annual parochial reports were due. If you don’t know what “parochial reports” are, take a moment to give thanks. In short, they’re the tally sheets by which my denomination, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,...