Do you know what your city flag looks like? Do you like it? Or, if you don’t think your city has one (and it’s worth checking), do you know your state’s flag? If you’re not sure why you should care, watch Roman Mars’ TED Talk. Roman is the founder and producer of 99% Invisible, a great podcast on design. The great thing about design, as the name of Roman’s podcast implies, is that when it works, we don’t notice it even as it helps us do our work…or enjoy our lives…or take pride in our city…or any of a number of other things we highly value but don’t often think about it. I’ve been interested in this in part...
John 1:18
No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known. One could, I suspect, write pages and pages on just this one verse. Even the first half. No one has ever seen God. In moments of grief, this hits us as especially true. Amid the...
John 1:1b
In the beginning was the Word…. Readers of Scripture over the centuries have been taken by John’s choice of words in these introductory verses of his Gospel. People often refer to these first eighteen verses as the Prologue, the words before the main word. Prologues open up a story, set...