Two quick words of introduction and explanation: First, I realize this video is about Easter and we’re not yet there. But so many people have reported enjoyed seeing and sharing this video that I thought I’d make it available a few days early. Second, a number of folks have asked me where the idea for Easter is Coming came from, including most recently a colleague who is teaching a course on media, culture, and the gospel. So I decided to share what led up to a very fun, and now widely seen, endeavor. I hope it enriches your preparation for, and celebration of, the resurrection of our Lord. The Origins of Easter is Coming The story...
The Burning House
There is a huge difference, I’ve found, between “thinking” or “talking” about something and “doing” something. That’s certainly true with our talk about the relationship between our happiness and our stuff. We can say over and over again that stuff – and the money that buys...
Book Spine Poetry
Killing two birds with one stone this Memorial Day. 1) Folks from time to time ask what I’m reading; 2) I love Maria Popova’s book spine poetry and have wanted to try. So, here it is, what I’m reading – the second time for the more existentially confounded....