I am, as you likely know, something of a podcast addict. Given that I am often in the car two to two-and-a-half hours a day, that probably makes sense. Beyond that, this is a great time to be commuting, if you like podcasts at least, because we are entering some of a new “golden age” in the world of radio and podcasts, given the plethora of shows available. This morning, as I was catching up on a favorite – This American Life – I was introduced to a new podcast, Invisibilia, which is Latin for “all the invisible things” and is, in the “about” post on the podcast’s website, “explores the intangible forces that shape human...
Casey at the Bat
If you happened to catch the Germany-Brazil World Cup semi-final match this past Tuesday – or have heard news reports of it since — you’ll know what an incredible result it was. Not incredible because Germany won – they’ve been playing well throughout the tournament and were...