Catching Fire Review and Discussion Nov29

Catching Fire Review and Discussion

Fifth Friday Film Forum: Catching Fire Spoiler alerts: If you haven’t read Catching Fire or seen the film, you may not want to read this. I have to admit that when I first read Catching Fire and realized that Suzanne Collins was going to send Katniss and Peeta back into the arena to compete in another Hunger Games, I was disappointed. What seemed such a brilliant plot element in the last book suddenly seemed tired, as if Collins was a one-trick pony. But that feeling soon disappeared. Although there is indeed a second round of the Hunger Games competition in Catching Fire, the plot both inside and outside of the arena was different enough...

Called to Mend Shoes and Souls Apr19

Called to Mend Shoes and Souls

“Vocation” is one of my favorite concepts in theology. Stemming from the Latin word vocare, “to call,” it means the calling of God to all Christians (and, some would say, all people) to participate in the care of the world and people God loves so much. Often when we talk about vocation, we are referring to someone’s job or profession. I know a great real estate agent, for instance, who feels her calling is to help people find a home in which they can flourish. But as this very example indicates, even when we talk about a job as one’s vocation, it’s never just the job or even what the job accomplishes. It’s about...

Mark 9:14-29

When they came to the disciples, they saw a great crowd around them, and some scribes arguing with them. When the whole crowd saw him, they were immediately overcome with awe, and they ran forward to greet him. He asked them, “What are you arguing about with them?” Someone from the crowd...

Coat: A Poem for Friday Mar16

Coat: A Poem for Fri...

There is something melancholy, poignant, and utter recognizable in Vicki Feaver’s poem “Coat.” She names an experience that we have all had, or at least can imagine: giving up on someone we once loved from the desire to be free, only to discover that freedom can be pretty...