Dear friends, Like you, I have been shocked and saddened, grief-stricken and outraged, by the violence in Charlottesville and, increasingly, around our country and globe, the “normalization” of extreme and bigotted rhetoric, and the rise of neo-Nazism and white supremacy. Again like many of you, I have wondered how, beyond prayer and lament, to respond. Toward answering that question, I’ve put below a statement I’ve written with Prof. Rolf Jacobson, my former colleague at Luther Seminary and good friend. You can access and sign the actual petition by clicking on this link. It is addressed to Lutheran clergy not to...
Romero on Lenten Sac...
It is so easy for my “Lenten discipline” – the quotations are to indicate how little “Lent” there is sometimes in the discipline – to devolve into a chance to drop a few points, quit an annoying habit, or spend a little less money. I never mean for that to...