The Power of Trusting Our Colleagues

Of the various subjects I’m asked to teach or present on at various gatherings and conferences, the one that is most frequently requested is about the massive amount of cultural change we have experienced in recent decades and the implications of that for our lives in the Church. Given the significant decline in so many of our congregations and overall attendance in worship, I can understand why folks, myself included, are working hard to better understand the nature of the culture in which we live so that we may respond faithfully to the challenges and opportunities it presents. At some point in these gatherings, I always say two things....

The TED Commandments

As anyone who reads this blog knows, I am a huge fan of the TED Conferences and the resulting Talks they produce. Despite recent critiques of being, for instance, too focused on inspiration or too prone to oversimplifying complex ideas, I still find them remarkably informative,...

Every Child Needs a Champion

“Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.” This is just one of Rita Pierson’s statements that is funny, insightful, and right on the target. She was responding to a colleague’s comment that, “They don’t pay me to like kids; they pay me to teach the kids. I teach; they should learn. Case closed.” Except, as Rita explained, “Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.” At the core of Rita’s educational and pedagogical philosophy is one simple but powerful conviction: education is about connection. It’s hard to learn if you don’t feel connected. Which means that kids don’t just need a teacher, they...

Belated April Fools – Teacher Assessment Apr05

Belated April Fools Teacher Assessment

I can’t believe I forgot to post this on April Fools’ Day earlier this week! If I had remembered, I would have described this as our latest and greatest strategy for improving the teaching at Luther Seminary through consistent classroom assessment. But I since I blew it, I’ll just tell you ahead of time that this is the video some colleagues and I put together for our annual Variety Show at Luther. Given what a mess things are here right now, it seemed like a good time to make fun of ourselves. And given my earlier note on gratitude for good friends (#6), this seems like the second best day of the week on which to post it....

Thank You, Julia!

This summer – August 15, to be exact – marked the 100th birthday of Julia Child. Why should you care about that? Because “America’s cooking teacher” might just be one of our best role models for the kind of church leader we need in a rapidly changing world. I’ve...