If You Need Inspiration, Watch This Jul19

If You Need Inspiration, Watch This

I can’t embed this video, I can only direct you to it. But I hope you click the link, give the 90 seconds it takes to watch it, and then send it on to others. It’s incredible. The video is a powerful and inspiring preview of the coming Paralympics Games in London later this summer. The Paralympics, if you are not yet familiar with them, is an international competition that includes athletes with motion disabilities, cognitive impairment, blindness, cerebral palsy, and amputations, among other things. The first organized competitions were started by some disabled veterans of World War II and have grown over the last half-century...

July 2012

Make that “Pictures of the Week”! Whatever claims Memorial Day may have to marking the beginning of summer, to me it doesn’t really seem to get going until the first week of July. So much of what is quintessentially summer – from picnics and fireworks to sporting competitions – seems to take place this week. So here are five pics that hardly tell the full tale of this first full week of summer — I mean, no European Cup, Olympic Trials, or Wimbledon! — but nevertheless certainly hint at all that’s been going on. I hope you are having a grand summer! July 3, 2012. Fireworks light up the sky...

Som Sabadell Flash Mob Jul06

Som Sabadell Flash Mob

I’ll admit it: I’m a sucker for cultural flashmob events. I know they’re contrived – how else do you get the great footage? – but I still love the way they startle a random group of people and bring them together as a group, a body, joined partly, I’m sure, by curiosity but also, I think, be the sheer beauty of the event. In this case that event is a 100 member orchestra playing Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy.” It was sponsored by Banco Sabadell, Spain’s fifth largest bank, this past May to sponsor the 130th anniversary of its founding. Another favorite flashmob was the dance of “Do...

Mr. Rogers and The Garden of Your Mind

Fred Rogers was a Presbyterian minister serving in the Pittsburgh area who was dissatisfied with television programming for children and decided to do something about it. His “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood” ran for nearly 35 years, influencing a generation of children, including me. A week ago PBS released a remix of several scenes from his shows entitled “The Garden of Your Mind.” It’s already garnered more than 4 million views and seemed like a good pre-Father’s Day selection. The YouTube description closes with the invitation, “If you like this video, please support your local PBS station.”...

God, Heretics, and Story: The Weekend Roundup May25

God, Heretics, and Story: The Weekend Roundup

Here are three pieces I enjoyed reading this week but haven’t had time to comment on (yet!) – perhaps they will supply you with some Memorial Day Weekend reading: 1) Jonah Lehrer, author of Imagine: How Creativity Works and How We Decide and one of my favorite science writers, dives into recent research that thinking about God improves self-control. In fact, even when subjects in a psychological test weren’t either a) religious or b) consciously aware that they were thinking about God, they still exercised more self-control when their attention was turned to subjects usually connected with God. In addition to reporting on...

Spring Recitals

It’s the time of the spring for end-of-the year concerts and recitals. And so I found the following picture of second-graders from Germanshire Elementary getting ready to perform absolutely adorable. Jim Weber is the photographer and you can find it and a whole series of pictures...