Secular Parables: Solsbury Hill Apr29

Secular Parables: Solsbury Hill

Karl Barth on occasion referred to “secular parables,” cultural artifacts produced by non-Christians (or Christians not attempting to point directly to their faith) that nevertheless bore witness to the truth of the God we know best through Jesus. I love that phrase. Which is a little odd, as I’m not normally a huge fan of the sacred-secular distinction. Often that distinction is used in a way that feels to me very limiting and, moreover, I’ve often wondered just what is not sacred to the God who comes in Jesus to redeem in love. Be that as it may, I still love that phrase. Perhaps it’s because Barth, one of the most influential...

Were You There Apr18

Were You There

Good Friday is a day of introspection and reflection. This is particularly evident in the evening service many congregations hold on Good Friday. Often called the Tenebrae (from the Latin for “shadows”) Service, we often omit a sermon and instead read various portions of the passion, interspersed by prayers and hymns, turning down the lights after each reading until we are in almost complete darkness at the end of the service and depart in silence, filled with a sense of the sacrifice Jesus makes on our behalf and longing for the hope of Easter morning. One of my favorite hymns sung at various times in Lent but especially at the...

Boston Memorial shared a number of moving photos from today’s remembrance of those who died a year ago in the bombing of the Boston Marathon. Here are a couple that made a deep impression on me. And it wasn’t only a memorial. It was also a celebration of the spirit of the folks who survived and their city as well as a sign of solidarity with those who continue to struggle to recover. I caught only bits and pieces of the day’s events on the news but was impressed by and grateful for their attention to the people involved rather than to the crime committed. By all accounts, it was a good day, but also a hard day. Tragedy often...

Hyper-realistic Art Apr04

Hyper-realistic Art

It’s Friday. That’s probably about all I need to say about the following post. Okay, maybe just a little more. I was seriously taken by these pictures by Eloy Morales. And I think you will be, too. Look carefully – what do you see?   Odd, unusual perhaps, but look a...

A-Rhythm-Etic Mar26


We’re just about smack dab in the middle of Lent, a time when we tone things down in worship and life in order to hear God’s whisper of love in and through the cross of Jesus. For this reason Lent is typically a bit more serious, even somber, than other seasons and worship tends to...

In Christ Alone Mar21

In Christ Alone

On Tuesday I shared some hymn writing advice from Stuart Townsend that I thought would be helpful for preachers as well. For those of you who don’t know Stuart, I thought I’d share this unique performance of one of his best know hymns (written with Keith Getty) performed by David...