Easter is the heart of the faith. Christmas, Good Friday, Pentecost, these all matter of course, and the faith can’t stand apart from any of them. Yet Easter – celebrating God’s act to raise Jesus from the dead and create a new possibility and new future – is where it...
Like much of the country, we’ve had a mild winter and, recently, unseasonably warm weather that has ushered in an early spring. Unlike much of the country, that means that spring is coming not just a week or two early, but about six weeks early! Last year, we didn’t have consistent temps in the 60s until May, with snow flurries on the 1st and 2nd of that month. So it’s an understatement to say that we are rejoicing to have spring-like weather on the first day of spring rather than having to wait until May Day. The photo below, of the Jefferson Monument viewed through Cherry Blossoms, captures a traditional herald of spring...
For God So Loved the Whole World…
“For God so loved the world…” We’ll hear this familiar and beloved verse again this Sunday. But do we stop to consider what it means? For God so loved the world, the whole world, and everyone in it. This picture of residential buildings in a district of the Chinese city of Qingdao reminded me of an experience I’d often have as a kid while driving down the interstate at night in my parents’ car. I’d watch all the headlights whizzing by and wonder how on earth God could know all these people, listen to all their prayers, and love them all. It was mind boggling. And it still is. Yet that’s the...
Tornado Damage &...
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who suffered from the tornadoes a week ago, and to all those who are working tirelessly to bring them some measure of relief. To learn more, to help, and to donate, you can go to the websites of the The Red Cross and Lutheran Disaster Response. And...
Ash Wednesday in India
I spend a lot of time thinking about the state of the church in North America. What’s going right. More often, what’s going wrong and what we should do about it. For that reason, it’s incredibly helpful to remember that Christ’s Church is a lot bigger than I am, or my denomination is, or even all the churches in my continent are. Jesus said (and we will hear these words in a couple of weeks) that when he was lifted up he would draw all persons to him (John 12:32). When I see a picture like this one – of a young woman in Hyderabad, India, offering prayers with her community – I am reminded, humbled, and...
When I first think about how Carnival has evolved over the years into the massive pre-Lenten party it’s become around the globe, I’m tempted to wonder what happened: how did the Feast before the Fast get so out-of-control? But then I think about Jesus – the guy who was notorious for frequenting with the heavy party-goers and -throwers of his generation and think that perhaps we can and should look for God in both Feast and Fast, laughter and lament, delight and self-denial. In any event, it’s difficult not to be taken in by the exuberance of the smile on the face of this Brazilian dancer. I think Jesus would have...