Liturgy in the church is a foretaste of the eternal song of praise, an earthly expression of that which is the content of eternity and the basic melody of creation, a never ending thanksgiving to the Creator and Father of all things. Within its earthly poverty Liturgy contains something of the beauty of the heavenly, the blessed sense of the nearness of the Eternal, and the joy of being privileged to sacrifice everything in order to be one with Christ. –Bo Giertz What we commonly call worship is also regularly named “liturgy.” That word comes from two Greek words: “laos,” meaning people; and “orgia,” meaning work. In...
Luther and Beyond
posted by DJL
Two more videos today as we conclude our commemoration of Reformation Day. 1) The Reformation started by Martin Luther grew well beyond Luther, of course, and on this day of All Saints it seems appropriate to direct our attention to the many men and women who picked up and continued...
Luther, Indulgences, and the 95 Theses
posted by DJL
Today we continue our look at Martin Luther’s life and teaching, focusing in particular on his objection to the medieval church practice that started the Reformation: the sale of indulgences. Luther expressed his objections to this practice the way scholars have expressed themselves through the centuries: by writing a paper. In this case, that paper was an invitation to debate the practice of selling indulgences that came to be called The 95 Theses, posted in Wittenberg on this day 496 years ago. Two looks, then, at that pivotal event in history. The first is another except from the PBS documentary Martin Luther: Reluctant Revolutionary...
Luther and the Reformation in Greater Depth
posted by DJL
Today, rather than our usual Wednesday TED Talk, two videos from the Khan Academy, a collection of educators, artists, and professionals from a variety of disciplines that construct and post videos for free for anyone who wants to watch and learn. I’ll post more on the Kahn Academy next week, but for now I want briefly to introduce these two videos as we continue our commemoration of the Reformation. The first video one sets the context for the Reformation, introducing us to Luther’s world and to Luther. The second one delves into the Reformation itself, particularly as it centered around Luther, explaining the historical context and...
Luther’s Assault on Church Authority
posted by DJL
Yesterday I began a series of posts on Martin Luther and the Reformation in commemoration of Reformation Day. I have been looking for video clips that help to illustrate various elements of Luther’s life and theology. The challenge is that there are very few complete videos, at least that are both pretty good and relatively brief. So instead I will share a couple of clips that illustrate various elements of Luther’s life and, when possible, direct you via hyperlink to larger segments. The clip we watched yesterday, from, illustrated the early part of Luther’s life, tracing his journey from a planned career in law to...
Martin Luther: The Early Days
posted by DJL
Martin Luther didn’t set out the change the world. In fact, were it not for an unusually acute conscience and a remarkably tenacious personality, the world would most likely never have heard of the young lawyer and court official he had planned to be. But, of course, all that changed when, on the way back to school, he is terrified by a thunderstorm, pledges to become and monk, and follows through on the promise, taking his vows – and eventually the grace of God – very seriously. This week we commemorate the day Luther posted his 95 Theses and started what later became known as the Protestant Reformation. So each day this week I’ll...