Theology as Conversation Nov09

Theology as Conversation

“I’ve got a problem with orthodoxy!” So began a recent and really enjoyable conversation with some of the congregational leaders in the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod (ELCA). The pastor who made this declaration went on to explain that he finds theological doctrines regularly stifling to the kind of vibrant questions and conversations about the life of faith he encourages his congregation to have. Which led to an extended discussion about the possibly of thinking about the history of theology itself actually as an extended conversation, a conversation that began long before we arrived on the scene and that will continue...

Prayer and the Power of Connection Nov06

Prayer and the Power of Connection

A weekend ago I was in Colorado and during worship we prayed for the folks on the East Coast as they prepared for Hurricane Sandy. This past weekend I was at home in Minnesota and on Sunday we prayed for those same folks, now on the other side of the Hurricane, and for all those who were working to help them cope with the devastation. A little later in the prayers we also offered our hopes and concerns for those members of our congregation who had left the day before for Ethiopia where they would be partnering with local churches to build wells. Tonight and tomorrow I am in Pennsylvania with a group of pastors on retreat, and we will pray...


Bryan Stevenson isn’t your typical crusader. He’s relatively soft-spoken, tells winsome stories, and makes his arguments as much by sharing his own experiences as by sharing facts. But make no mistake: his is a passionate crusader for justice. Founder of the Equal Justice Initiative,...

U R a St! Nov01

U R a St!

Alright, I’ll admit it. I’m not on Facebook. I took a little grief for that over the weekend, and figured I’d better come clean. I’m not on Twitter either. And I hardly ever text (although that’s changing as my kids get cell phones). It’s not that I have anything against Facebook or Twitter and the rest. Honest. For me, it’s just the issue of time – finding the time to learn it, set it up, do it, maintain it, and all the rest. So there it is (huge sigh of relief). 🙂 But if I were on Facebook, Twitter, and had lightening-fast texting thumbs, the message I would post on my wall (does FB still have that?), Tweet, and text...

Martin Luther Meets MTV

Today, in case you missed it, is Reformation Day. Yes, yes, I know, it’s also Halloween, and while this obviously figures larger in the popular consciousness than Reformation Day – I see no Reformation-themed decorations in the lawns of our neighborhood! – I’d argue that Reformation Day is still more influential. So, a few quick facts and then a fun video to enhance your celebration. 🙂 Did you know… …That Luther posted his theses in part because of a concern that the vast majority of Christians buying indulgences were being exploited by the wealthy. Theses 88: “Why does the pope, whose wealth today is greater than the...

Faith and the Electi...

Three beliefs I hold are central to me as I approach this election. 1) God works through elected officials to care for God’s people and world. Indeed, I would say that God sets up the office of public official for precisely this reason (see Romans 13:1-7). For this reason, elected officials...