On this beautiful late summer Friday (at least where I’m writing from ☺), I want to try to bring together two of my great interests: prayer, which I don’t understand but practice anyway; and video, which I think is an incredibly powerful medium for conveying the faith in an experiential, and not just cognitive, way. To do that – or at least to give a taste of doing that – I’m going to turn to a project exercised by a group of artists I greatly admire called The Work of the People. They’ve created a rather simple video based on the powerful prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi. I’ll print the words below; they also...
A Prayer for Our Nat...
posted by DJL
A Prayer for Our Nation Almighty God, ruler of all the peoples of the earth, forgive, we pray, our shortcomings as a nation; purify our hearts to see and love truth; give wisdom to our counselors and steadfastness to our people; and bring us at last to the fair city of peace, whose foundations...
Prayer & Mystery
posted by DJL
I’ve wanted for a while to write an occasional series of posts on prayer. Why? Because, frankly, I don’t understand prayer. I know I’m supposed to do it. And I do. But that doesn’t mean I understand it. I don’t understand, for instance, how it works. I’m not always sure what I’m supposed to do, either. And I definitely can’t quite figure out the part about “answered” prayer. Maybe you’ve felt that way, too. Maybe there’s a lot about prayer that you don’t understand, but you still do it. And maybe that’s okay. Maybe prayer is too big to simply understand, too important for us to be able to define simply or once and...
Easter 6 B
posted by DJL
Dear God, You have called us to love, which sounds easy but is often hard. You have called us to obedience, which sounds hard but is sometimes easy. You have called us to obedient love, which sounds like an oxymoron, but really isn’t. You have called us to loving obedience, which sounds...
Easter 5 B
posted by DJL
Lord Jesus, you are the vine and we are the branches, draw us ever closer to you, desiring your commandments and listening for your word. And teach us your love, for perfect love casts out fear. Lord Jesus, you are the vine and we are the branches, draw us ever closer to each other, aching...
Easter 5
posted by DJL
Dear God, Creator and Father to us all, let us abide in you, for you gave life to all things. Dear God, Redeemer and Brother to us all, let us abide in you, for you gave your life for all the world. Dear God, Sustainer and Advocate for us all, let us abide in you, for you kindle and nurture...